Field Day

200 family members of the landscape industry attended ALCA Field Day on a beautiful Saturday, April 22, 2017 at the SRP PERA Club.  Click here to see photos from the event.

Sponsors hosted a variety of interactive and competitive individual and team events.  The individual events included a contest for launching a tennis ball with a slingshot tied to lawn mowers aimed at targets to score points.  This creative event was hosted by Bob Franchetto and the Horizon crew.  Target Specialty Products sponsored the golf chipping contest and Nate Gould with Hunter Industries hosted the bean bag toss.  Beth Gosnell with All Season Wholesale Growers held an obstacle course for the kiddos.

Nate Wallace and Steve Carroll with Armstrong Growers tested the knowledge of participants by identifying a selection of plants used in the landscapes.  Hector Albarran and Annika Jochai with Stotz Equipment held a Frisbee into a Bobcat challenge while Dan Harner and his lovely assistant, Ashley Franchetto, with Belgard Superlite Block ran a basketball free throw contest. 

Brandon Light and Rob Mommsen with RDO Equipment hosted an excavator challenge while Christopher Cole with West Coast Turf set up the croquet court for all to enjoy.  The wheelbarrow contest was sponsored by Joe Carranza Sunrise Nursery.  All could enjoy playing some horseshoes provided by Ewing Irrigation. 

Roger Toon with Sunstate Equipment brought a lift and many enjoyed the 40 foot ride to look over the Field Day event.  To learn more about the history and continuous philanthropic giving of Sunstate Equipment, please visit their website at

Bob Meier and the Adaptive Insurance Agency held a putting contest with a grand prize of $15,000 for the person who could sink all 3 holes.  Even though it was great fun, it was a task that noone could accomplish.  Paul Tammelleo with Irritrol sponsored a salsa cook-off with some fierce hot competition.

Thanks to Jim Mitchell with Rodeo Ford, children of all ages enjoyed jumping around in an inflatable bouncer and kids of all sizes gravitated to the most popular petting zoo, sponsored by Southwest Sod, where the animals received a lot of lovin’. 

And of course, Field Day closed with the ever popular tug ‘o war contest sponsored by Mark Carreiro with Rain Bird. 

Participants took home some fabulous prizes as they competed for first, second and third place.

A delicious gourmet picnic of hamburgers and hot dogs was served.  Many thanks go to Tim Foraker with SiteOne Landscape Supply and Terre Caraway with Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock who slaved over the open flames to cook the dogs and burgers to perfection. For dessert, Evergreen Turf and DIRT Insurance & Risk Management served ice cream throughout the event.

A big thank you to Bill Faires and Dwight Faires with San Tan Landscape Management who donated and delivered all of the bottled water, sodas and ice.  Insurance for the event was provided by the generosity of Steve Shields with Hill & Usher.  Trace Tolby, Brad Reno and Nancy Clawson volunteered their day at the registration table and selling raffle tickets.

Thank you to all of the sponsors and a special thank you to Bob Franchetto with Horizon who has been the Committee Chairman for decades.  It is with his dedication that Field Day continues to provide an excellent opportunity for landscape contractors, members of the green industries, employees and their families to take a break from the everyday work grind and enjoy a memorable fun-filled day with fellow ALCA members.

This event was made possible by our Field Day Sponsors.  Please support the companies that support you!

Adaptive Insurance
All Season Wholesale Growers
Armstrong Growers
Belgard Hardscapes
Cutting Edge Curbing
DIRT Insurance & Risk Management
Evergreen Turf 
Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety
Hunter/FX Luminaire
Rain Bird
RDO Equipment
Rodeo Ford
San Tan Landscape
SiteOne Landscape & Supply
Southwest Sod
Stotz Equipment
Sunrise Nursery
Sunstate Equipment
Target Specialty Products
Toro/Irritrol/Unique Lighting
West Coast Turf