
Safety Tips - Working Near Roadways

Working Near Roadways- The resources below can help managers and crew members significantly reduce injury risks when working near roadways. Failure to operate equipment safety can result in cuts, lacerations and punctures which OSHA sites as the second leading injury type in the landscape and horticultural industry. Proper safety training is necessary to reduce the risk of injury.

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Landscaping Tips - Stop Fertilizing in Drought? No!

Stop Fertilizing in Drought? No! Water restrictions do not have to be a death sentence to turf. Drought conditions are the time when turf and soil should be kept healthy through the season. Here are five myths about turf maintenance during drought and how to combat them.

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Safety Tips - Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors

Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors Lightning strikes can severely injure or kill workers whose jobs involve working outdoors. Workers whose jobs involve working outdoors in open spaces have significant exposure to lightning risks.

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Landscaping Tips - When in Drought

When in Drought…. Arizona’s water supply outlook is sobering as climate conditions are trending hotter and drier. Arizona’s population is rising, increasing demand. As more pressure is put on the water supply, water expenses will increase and the pressure to conserve water grows by the day.

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Landscaping Tips - Palms in the Desert Landscape

Palms are a popular addition to many landscapes in Arizona. They add architectural interest as well as horticultural uses to both residential and commercial properties. In some areas, such as the line of California Fan Palms stretching along Litchfield Road, north of I-10, they have become iconic and a much beloved brand of Goodyear and Litchfield Park.

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