The end is near; our incredible long, hot summer that is. In the coming week, we may have highs in the 70’s as we join the rest of the nation with ‘fall-like’ weather conditions. As the seasons change, there is a short window for a number of landscaping tasks to complete before winter is officially here. Here are a few tasks to add to your fall to-do list:
Read This ArticleHave you ever strolled by plants and noticed something’s been munching on the leaves? Or maybe there’s a mysterious brown spot in a tree that seemed to develop overnight? Sometimes plant pests come and go in a matter of days, but their damage may linger for months after they’ve moved to a new green ‘residence’. Fortunately, our dry desert conditions don’t make for an overly welcoming environment for arthropod ‘friends’ to reside. However, during mild times of the year, a few critters may be lurking in our landscape. Here are a few to watch out for in the coming month:
Read This ArticleAs fall approaches, the itch to get new colorful plants in the ground may be upon us. While the nurseries will start having full colorful annuals and perennials trucked in daily, there are a few things we should consider before planning out our winter garden. Here are a few ideas to help you achieve a show-stopping flower bed.
Read This ArticleWe have hammered home the concept of “Right Tree, Right Place,†but what if that tree is already in the right place? Now there are new structures or parking areas erected, only to make it not such the right place. Designing around established trees is not only admirable, but also a sustainable practice, especially helping to achieve cities tree canopy goals. However, often times trees are an afterthought and minimal care and protection is given to these beauties during construction. Unfortunately, additional expenses ensue after the project has been completed because of tree failures. Here are a few steps to make sure your tree is protected during a construction project
Read This ArticleMid-summer is the best time of year to take a close look at your Bermudagrass health. Not only is it important to look at the color of turf and to make sure you are watering efficiently, but also look at what is going on at the ground level. Thatch, which is composed of dead and living roots, stems and leaves, can thicken overtime, creating a ‘poufy’ lawn. Thatch that is over ½†can impact the health of the lawn, making it more prone to stress during mowing and extreme temperatures, also making it more prone to pests and disease. Here are tips on how to manage thatch and promote a healthy and vigorously growing summer lawn.
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